Jul 12, 2008

Today - Day off

Day off in Petaluma

Early morning thoughts:

2:15AM: For some reason I can't seem to get to sleep, I've been laying here listening to music on my iPod. I've noticed I don't listen to music nearly as loud as I used to. Also, for the last few years or more I've been listening to music with the EQ flat. After being used to the way the albums sound with out it, adding the stock EQ sounds terrible to me.

Listening to Tomatito's Aguadulce album (love his grooves) and Vicente Amigo's Vivencias Imaginadas album. My favorite of his, to me that album has such a great vibe and the guitar tone is beautiful. I remember purchasing Vivencias back in late 95' or early 96', it wasn't easy to find either. Those were good times back then, I was studying with Paco Arroyo in Glendale and listening to a lot of new music. About a year later I picked up the Vazquez Rubio Blanca which I still use now. Don't think I'll ever find a more comfortable neck on a guitar then this one. Then again, after 11 years of playing it, I'm just so used to it that it's almost part of me when I play.

Going to try and get some sleep now -


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