Jul 10, 2008

Day Off - July 8th - 9th

July 8th

It's great to have a few days off and since we were in San Francisco, I decided to stay at home for the time we were there. Cosmo was very happy to see me when I got in. She was in serious purr mode, sat on my lap and wanted to be petted for about an hour. Our friend that is cat sitting for us said she growled, hissed and tried to attack her the entire time. Always nice to hear that she was well behaved. Anyone out there want to cat sit for Cosmo? Sounds like a good time eeh?

Since we had a few days off, I thought it would be a good time to restring the guitar. You don't need the details, if you've been checking in from time to time, you know the usual story where my cat sneaks up on me and takes the strings, nothing new there. Hiding behind the plant wont fool me either. The cat is easily noticed and her advantage of sneaking up on me has been compromised! Although, that's a new one.

In the evening I had beer and bratwurst for dinner. As I was eating, it reminded me of the time I was in Dusseldorf, Germany last year. I ate at a great restaurant (wish I could remember the name) and had delicious sausages and beer. Haven't thought of that in a long time actually.

July 9th - Took the Bart into San Francisco around 8pm. Had nice dinner and drinks at Colibri and met up with the bus at midnight.

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