Dec 4, 2007


Received Protools 7.4 in the mail today. Installed it and I seem to be up and running. Could it be this easy? No problems? I don't understand, what's wrong with this picture? Usually when it comes to me and computers, I'll have to re-install the software several times, swipe an ATM card, confirm government security codes, "alpha, bravo, tango.." and call tech support like 3 times to get something to work. But this is great, I'm very happy that it's working. Knock on wood right? Well, too late, I suppose the good must come with the bad. Now my external HD isn't showing up on the screen so I'll have to call tech support after all. I'll keep you posted.

Had a great conversation today with an old friend from school. We were taking about how certain music can take you back and remind you of a time in your life. I could probably name a handful of albums or songs that remind me of specific time and I'm sure you could too. Amazing how music can do that and I think that's why a certain song can be so special to someone.


Adam Solomon said...

Yes, although I hate how the music you associate with a time period, you necessarily in turn associate with the events and memories from that period. There is great music from less great times in my life that certainly harms the listening experience, when you listen to something for the first time in a while.

stephen duros said...

True, but memories can be triggered by sounds, smells and locations as well, not just music. Yes, music can trigger mixed feelings for sure.

For me, I don't "hate" how it can be associated with time, hate is a powerful world. In most difficult situations music has helped me through those hard times and still does, doesn't reflect negative on the music it self, not at all. It may remind me of a situation and I may feel indifferent but I could also feel appreciative. Well, Unless it's a song I simply don't like, then I'll turn it off, but I'd do that anyway.

My point is, music can be healing through hard times and like anything there are positives and negatives to any situation. I guess it's all in how you look at it. It can bring back great memories or memories that are not so great. Either way, it has that power to do so weather we like it or not. It plays off of our emotions and that's what I think is so powerful about music, good bad or indifferent. It can make you happy, uneasy, angry or make you cry.

I'm intrigued how this works and it inspires me to write music not just for the sake of writing but writing from my feelings that are good, bad or indifferent because I believe it shows in the quality of the music. Even then, not everyone will like what I write and I accept that.

Anna said...

Adam, happy Hanukkah :-)

Adam, I agree with Steve, music might bring back memories you'd rather leave in the past, but then again time heals.

Steve, you don't have enough exposure, not many people get a chance to hear how brilliant you are.

stephen duros said...

haha, well, that's very nice of you to say Anna, thanks. But I wouldn't go that far. I have my imperfections, hell, I'm still learning how to spell basic words!

Anna said...

Steve, you are most welcome :-)

I would love to walk into a store and hear your music.

I am a typo queen, I am grateful for the spell checker :-)