Nov 30, 2007


This morning I received my iBook from Apple Care. Quick turn around with the holiday weekend and all. It stopped working the night before I left for South America so I wasn't able to send it in till I got back home. Everyone was very friendly and helpful at Apple Care and I'm very happy to have it back. It was like living in the dark ages traveling with out it. I don't know how I survived, but I found a way! Anyway, Now I can start to upload pictures from the trip.

This afternoon I spent some time downloading and setting up new widgets on my computer. I got a bit carried away but it was fun. Now when I put the widget window up on the screen, it looks like a total command center with local and world weather, Doppler radar, world clocks and the position of the space station. Of course, knowing the position of the space station is important don't you think? I feel important when looking at these widgets, also informed! It's a win win situation.

Tonight I can hear the rain coming down outside, a pleasant sound. Just finished watching the making of the Amadeus movie, been wanting to watch that for a while now. well, the clock just struck 12 midnight and I believe I will retire for the evening. From looking at my widgets, I can tell you it's 7AM in London, the space station is over Australia and there is more rain on it's way here in New Mexico. Now for the 10 day forecast....

Hm, maybe I should re-title this blog -


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