Feb 23, 2009


Worked on different mic placements with the new guitar. Recorded a few snippets while the mic was in different places and listened back to see what I liked best. Next I have to pick up a new shock mount that I ordered for my mic (the one I have is falling apart) then get a hair cut. Wish me luck on the hair cut, trying a new place.

Website is still down, hopefully it will be up and running within the next few days.


Anna said...

Steven, since the old guitar didn't sell, will you still be using it on some tracks?

Looking forward to seeing your new site.

stephen duros said...

Hi Anna,

I haven't decided yet. It is on some tracks playing some rhythm and some harmonies. It's a great guitar and I'm very happy to have it. Guess it wasn't meant to be sold.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to seeing the new site up and running my self.