Jan 13, 2008

Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra concert in Quito, Ecuador - January 24th

Ottmar Liebert + Luna Negra Quartet: OL - Flamenco + Electric Guitars, Jon Gagan - Bass Guitars + Keyboard, Dave Bryant - Percussion, Stephen Duros - Flamenco Guitar + Keyboard

Jan 24 Quito, Equador – Teatro de la Casa de la Cultura


Anonymous said...

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Luz said...

Just curious as to why just one performance, since you're making the long trek down to South America? Nonetheless, sure wish I could catch the show.

stephen duros said...

It does seem like a long trek for one show but it will be more then worth it. We can't let the fans down!

Luz said...

Can't wait to see the photos or any videos! Hint, hint! ;-)

Anonymous said...

have a great trip - happy to hear your fingers are fine... that must have been a bit frightening
