Jan 23, 2008

Day Off - Quito

standing around 13,500 ft
Originally uploaded by stromo.

Started out today with a production meeting at 10 am. I had to discuss the lights for tomorrows show with the promoter. Grabbed a quick bite to eat and met everyone in the lobby at noon to head out for the day. We went to this place where they have a tram that goes way up into the Andes mountains. Fantastic view from up there. It was exactly what I wanted to do today, get up into the mountains and see the countryside.

Had Lunch with Jon when we got back while Ottmar did a few interviews. Tonight I will stay in and go over a few guitar parts for tomorrow nights performance and just relax to give my neck a break as it's been a bit soar from physical therapy.


Luz said...

Loving these blog updates from Quito! It's as if I'm there! I wish!

Anonymous said...

that all sounds fabulous - except the pain in your neck... beautiful photos from the top - what a great
experience to have... have a great show and get home safely (hope you get a window seat)

v2or said...

Hi Steve, I was reading your blog and thought that if guitar and sitting is getting to your back maybe you might want to try this cushion to put on your leg and guitar hears a link http://www.12fret.com/new/dynarettePage.html

Hope you are feeling better and looking forward to seeing you all play out hear some time. How are you liking your new guitar?

stephen duros said...

Hi Victor,

Yes, I'm feeling better, so far so good. The new guitar is great, I'm very happy with it.

Thanks for the link and for thinking of me. I hope you are enjoying your new studio.

Take care -