Apr 1, 2008

Thoughts of the day:

Writing this on the airplane -

Nothing much else going on so I thought I’d write a bit. On a flight from Tokyo to the Philippines. Five weeks has passed since I left for New Zealand. Feels like a long time ago now. I always seem to loose complete perspective with which day it is when traveling this much. I really enjoy the not knowing part. Days come and go and are just days - nothing more, nothing less. No weekend to look forward to, no holidays, just living one day at a time. Besides, most of the time weekends aren’t days off anyway.

I’m getting to that point in the tour where I’m starting to laugh at a lot of things that I normally wouldn’t laugh at. Could be the constant on the go part and the lack of good consistent sleep or maybe I’m loosing my mind. Probably a bit of both. I did have a great time in Japan. Night before last a bunch of us went out for Korean BBQ and then to the bowling alley. Wow, great food. My first time having that, really enjoyed it. As far as bowling goes, my arm is still pretty sore. I don't think I was bowling correctly or something and I noticed that my technique was a bit different then the others too. The thing is, I never go bowling but I do the best I can. I grab the ball and start running towards the lane really fast with the ball in both of my hands and then throw it has hard as I can at the lane. It travels in the air about a third of the way down then smashes into the lane and balances on the edge of the gutter but then curves back towards the pins (I put this huge spin on it as I throw it, pretty good eeh?). To my surprise I actually got a few strikes. I must admit, I got all cocky and made sure the entire bowling alley knew it. I guess I never get out and do much sporting. Besides, I'm an artist, I don't know many artists that are good at sports. I went skiing a few years back with some friends. When I got out on the snow with my skies and ski poles for the first time, my friend told me that I looked like a baby deer trying to stand for the first time. I like to leave that stuff to the pro's.

Right now I’m sitting on the plane in almost total darkness as everyone is watching a movie. Yes, It all started earlier when the flight attendants made the announcement to shut the window shades. They seem to take the movie time very seriously on Philippine Airlines. I thought, ok, here we go again. (I refer you to what I wrote HERE last time I went through this). This time they were out in full force making sure those windows were shut for movie time. They were reaching over the people and slamming them shut them selves! I tried to defend my window at all costs but they eventually got to me and I had to surrender my window up to the rest of the passengers who couldn’t wait to see the movie. I have a great idea for Boeing and Airbus. Why don’t they build planes with no windows at all!! Finally, an idea that would make everyone so happy and filled with little bubbly feelings of joy. Anyway, so I sat there in the dark waiting to see what movie would come up. Oh great, a movie with some stupid lizard creature with flippers. And I'm not even kidding. It’s supposed to be one of those movies that’s really touching. You know, great for kids of all ages and adults to see! I could tell already where the story was going -

Boy meets lizard creature with flippers
Boy makes friends with lizard creature with flippers
Parents don’t allow boy to be friends with lizard creature with flippers
Boy is in danger and lizard creature with flippers saves boy
Parents approve of lizard creature with flippers
Lizard creature with flippers gets in grave danger by the bad guys
Boy crys along with the audience watching the movie, but wait!
Lizard creature with flippers is OK and swims off into the sunset and does a little flip in the air and then the “THE END” will appear on the screen.

Hm, after suffering through it with out sound, I was pretty much dead on. The barf bag in the seat pocket in front of me had a whole new meaning. By the time the movie was over the plane had started to descend and I was there waiting to open my window shade like a smoker waiting for the “No Smoking” sign to go off after take off. So I got the shade open and saw that I had just missed the sunset. It looked like it would have been a good one too, lots of colors left over after the sun went down. That’s OK, at least I knew that the lizard with the flippers was safe and is in no harms way.

I’ve been enjoying drawing my cartoons a lot lately. I think I will be drawing more in the future. I never thought of taking it that seriously, it was just always good therapy for me. I’ve also been practicing a few things with a set of drum sticks Simon gave me. Been learning a few things from him and been practicing a bit. I love the drums, I started taking drum lessons when I was 8 for a few years. I’d like to pick up where I’ve left off sometime. I’ve played them from time to time over the years. Maybe I’ll get into that more down the road, who knows. Looking forward to practicing guitar again, it has been a while and I don’t like to go this long with out practicing. A friends of mine has a friend who is getting married in May. Apparently they dig my music a lot and will be flying me to St. John in the Caribbean to play at their wedding. So by the time I get back and practiced up for a few weeks, I'll be ready.



Anonymous said...

Thanks! Great Blog!

Anna said...

Hi Steve, thank you for the update.

I hope you are back home, or on your way home.
Happy belated birthday to Cosmo, I have a feeling she missed you :-)

Unknown said...

"I think I will be drawing more in the future."

I can't wait until you start drawing cartoons for the courthouse. You will change the way we "see" law :)