Mar 28, 2008

Paris - a year ago this week

Originally uploaded by stromo.

This week a year ago I was in Paris. Can't believe how fast the time has gone since then and all the places traveled in one years time. My new passport is a year old now and already has two extensions in it. More traveling to be had as the summer approaches. The Beginning of this tour seems like a long time ago now. Mexico seems like a blur when we started back in February and the 3 week South America tour back in November is only a faint memory now.

In Tokyo again tonight. Feels like I've been in Japan for what seems like a long time now even though it's only been a few weeks. I've been really enjoying it and would love to come back someday soon. Just got back from Akihabara, Tokyo's famous electric town. Tons of window shopping to be had. A must see if you're into any kind of electronic stuff.

Here for a few more days then it's on to the Philippines. I just remembered, Cosmo's birthday is coming up in April. She will be 3 years old!


MT Callahan said...

Just think, in June you'll be here in ever mysterious and exotic Arizona Make sure you've had all your shots updated.

stephen duros said...

HAHAHA!! Right, you bring up a good point Matt. I'll get on it asap!