So I decided to get the guitar out to wipe it down and make it look good for the tour. I also want it to sound good so I figured it's probably a good time to re-string it too.
Before I looked around for a pack of strings, I wanted to see what Cosmo was up to, hoping she was taking a cat nap. I looked in the kitchen and saw she was busy eating, good.
So I went on my way to find a pack of strings and when I got back to my guitar, Cosmo was laying on the floor next to the guitar and decided to take a nap there! Of all the places...
I'm pretty sure she was faking because as soon as the first string came off the guitar she leaped up like something that leaps really fast and started going after the strings. She must have been on to me when she saw me spying on her.
As I tried to stop her she started attacking me for some reason! I called out no joy but there was no letting up from the ferocious house pet. Clearly I don't have any pictures of that because I was getting attacked. Then for some reason she got distracted with some random folder on the floor and started attacking that? Maybe she is part shark? Anyway, that gave me time to finish up and move on to lunch. I think if I had a horse or another animal of some sort this wouldn't be as much of a problem? Hm, now she is purring and crying out to me to be petted as if she is my best friend again. As they say, if you can't beat'm, join'm. I have to go now and start petting Cosmo.
Stay tuned for the next cat update after the summer tour - "Tips on how to play with your cat"
p.s. Then again, I may get injured during that post so it may not be such a good idea.
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