May 10, 2008

Everything in moderation. Then again, maybe not....

Getting back in the groove after spending the last few weeks unpacking and getting settled. Made some coffee this morning and sat down to practice a bit. Cosmo seems to be back into her schedule of wanting her morning petting before I practice. I was actually up before she was today which is rare. I called out to see where she was. 30 seconds later she came out from under the bed, her eyelids half open and quietly mumbled a meow as she staggered slowly past me towards her bowl. She must have been up late partying or something.

I'm enjoying the new material I'm coming up with. Some of it I can't play as well as I'd like but that will come with time. I can't stress enough how important it is to slow down if you are having trouble with something. Patience is very important when wanting to improve. When I was younger, I'd be learning something new and think "hm, wonder how fast I can play this?" I'd try playing it at blazing speeds and of course not sounding good at all, but I had to try! Who the hell knows why really, I guess it's human nature, or maybe too much coffee? (Yes, I know you've tried this too. HA, almost caught you denying it there buddy!)

Now days, I won't do that, I'll speed the playing up to the point where the technique gets hard to play or a bit sloppy to know my boundaries. I do think difference in speed and knowing what you can and can't do is important. Keeping a tempo is key in everything you do when playing an instrument. Don't forget to be honest with yourself too. You don't want to get stuck thinking you can speed things up before you're ready.

And of course have fun. I do take my practicing seriously but it's nice to just sit down and play with no boundaries as well. After all, I'm not running a military unit over here. As they say, everything in moderation. Then again, maybe not if you want to get good at something.

1 comment:

Adam Solomon said...

Did she look hung over? You've gotta keep an eye on that kitty, she's a wild one.