May 10, 2008

Song writing / Taking a quick break...

Taking a quick break from song writing to grab a bite to eat. For some reason I've been way into fixing sandwiches this week, kind of new for me. Speaking of new, spending time writing songs with the guitar before I record is new for me too. On the Thira album, I wrote as I recorded. Didn't really have any songs written before hand, only a few possible song ideas I recorded. Spent a lot of time writing the music on the keyboard for that album and I think more so then on the guitar. Right now I'm trying to push myself a bit as I hear ideas in my head that I can't necessarily play as well as I'd like. Some of the ideas call for some new technique as I figure out these songs. Trying to find that fine line of playing things that challenge me but at the same time, I don't want to make things too difficult so that I wont be able to play my own music. Like I said, it's a fine line.

Anyway, gotta get back to work. In the mean time, check out the post below, it's a good one!


Anonymous said...

Great to hear that you are song writing - must tell my wife, she abolutely loves Thira!!!!!!
I know how frustrating it is when you can't quite play a lick or
an idea that you've come up with. My trouble is remembering
an idea I had yesterday!
Great sandwich idea - Brie with cranberry and cold iceberg lettuce,
quick to make too.

stephen duros said...

Ah, thanks for the sandwich tip. Yeah, sometimes remembering can be difficult especially if you have a lot of ideas. I had an idea today and hopefully I'll be able to record a quick idea of it later tonight so I don't forget it. Sometimes just recording a 10 second single melody line will do the trick.