Apr 27, 2008

Stevo's crazy games

Stevo's crazy game
Originally uploaded by stromo.

Why not make your own game? Well, that is if you have some extra time on your hands. It's always good to be creative in different ways. For me, I have to be creating something whether it be music, drawing cartoons, or making something.

I made this game about a year ago or so. It's designed to drive anyone completely crazy and tonight it did just that. It's virtually impossible to win although I actually won the game for the first time tonight. It took a few hours to play although if you get a lucky card, it could be won in seconds. Always nice to have friends over, some wine and attempt this game and watch the reactions. It's the only game I've ever played where everyone is thrilled when someone wins(because the game is finally over).

A "tour" game is in the works to take out on the road this summer. I'll keep you posted on it's progress.


MT Callahan said...

Will the tour game be called "Stevo rides in the trailer"?

stephen duros said...

hahaha, still coming up with the name, may just call it "The Tour Game"