Feb 13, 2008

Feb 11th - Traveling home

Was able to get a picture of some lighting while descending into Houston from Mexico City.

Non eventful travel day today for the most part. Lobby call at 10:30 am. About a 5 hour bus ride from Morelia to Mexico City. A flight to Houston connecting to ABQ then about a 60 mile drive to Santa Fe. Didn't get home till after midnight.

Things were going smoothly till I got on the second flight to ABQ. I was running a bit late from getting a bite to eat but nothing serious. Last call hadn't been made yet. I got on the plane and walked down the aisle only to find some dude sitting in my window seat. So I politely said, this is my seat. And he quickly pointed out some other seat and said "That one's open, why don't you take that!" Nice, just what I needed after a long day of traveling. I was very tired and just wanted my seat. Besides the other seat was not happening. So I said, No, I'd like the window seat and he said "what are you a photographer!" all upset and huffed and puffed and then moved. Nice, Have a nice day.....

The flight went quickly. Then as we were landing someone across the aisle started hurling in the barf bag. I never really thought anyone used those? But that one seemed to come in handy. At that point I was thinking, I hope we really land soon. It reminded me of the time a few years ago in New Zealand when touring with Ottmar. We were flying from Wellington NZ to Auckland. During that flight, some kid sitting behind me let loose all over the tray and back of my seat. I remember thinking, how do I get that little oxygen bag above me to come down?? That would have been a life saver. Remember! even though the air is flowing, the oxygen bag will not inflate!

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