Aug 11, 2007

Welcome to our world

Today I woke up around 8am to the smell of diesel fumes when we were at a truck stop, which wasn't the best way to wake up. So I decided to get up and feed Harvey the fish. I turned on my iBook only to find that there was no internet signal, bummer. Not much else to do so we put the new Casino Royale movie on the big screen in the front lounge. Not sure if Harvey had seen that one yet.

No chance of finding coffee once we got to the gig. No matter how hard I prayed to the Coffee Gods, I walked around for an hour but it just seemed impossible to find a place. The only thing around was a Quiznos, so I settled for a sandwich.

Just got set up and will be sound checking shortly.


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of an interview with one of the Gipsy Kings. He said that life on the road is a lot like life as a gypsy, but instead of caravans they live in buses and planes.

Anna said...

Steve, I thought that Starbucks were on every corner, at least they are in downtown Sydney.
As for waking up to the smell of diesel fumes reminds me of being forced to go for a run around the Opera House and Botanic Gardens with my trainer and on the way back walking/running past the parked busses, his usual comment was "Oh, there is nothing like the smell of diesel"

Adam Solomon said...

Anna, don't you know the Cardinal Law of Starbucks Placement? A Starbucks will appear only when you don't need it--when you require a Starbucks, they are nowhere to be found. Just go to New York City for proof of that! :)

stephen duros said...

I couldn't agree more. This is very true. They are usually everywhere except on our road trip back to Santa Fe from New England. There was no Starbucks in site! Don't get me wrong, I always support the local coffee shop fist, however, at that point, driving a few thousand miles with no coffee shops on the highway, a Starbucks coffee would have been worth gold. There was one time where I suffered through a large gas station coffee, a few miles down the highway a Starbucks appeared... By then I was too full, and coffee was the last thing I wanted.

Anna said...

Steve, I agree Starbucks coffee is not the best. I've gone off coffee, only drink it now and again. Lindt 99% Cocoa chocolate does the trick.

Adam, I am sorry I didn't know the Cardinal Law of Starbucks Placement, but now I do :-)

Btw good to see you back, I thought we lost you while you were on holidays in Spain...