Aug 10, 2007

Paradise, CA

I enjoyed tonights show in Paradise, CA. Nice to be back on stage after a month off. Davo used a new Dumbek that sounded great. During sound check, something wasn't right with my in-ear mix. The panning was totally different then what the mixer was saying. It said my guitar was panned slightly to the right but I heard it on the the left etc... However, Alan (our sound engineer) was right there to fix the problem.

On the tour bus now and we're getting ready to back out and depart to Santa Anna. Thinking about watching Apollo 13 in the bunk, but I'm not sure yet. We have a small fish on the tour bus. I think someone rescued it at the county fair yesterday in Ventura and will be taking back to Santa Fe to give it a nice home. Maybe he can be the new Luna Negra mascot, well, at least for now. I named it "Harvey".


Anonymous said...

HEY!!! found ur cd. love it!!! the concert was great!! u all should come to paradise again sometime in the next few months, i know id buy a ticket. Have a safe trip.

~miss lilly~

stephen duros said...

Thanks Miss Lilly!