Mar 4, 2011

This Week

Busy week comes to a close, TGIF. Giving my ears a much needed rest tonight. I've reached that part where my ears are super sensitive from listening so much to the music. I hear everything in super clarity. When at the grocery store earlier this evening, I was shocked how loud it was in there. Also when on a walk earlier this afternoon, I never recall hearing so many birds, traffic noise, jets etc.. Nice quiet evening tonight. Resting my mind and ears.

Less then a week to go with finishing up the mixes. I can't believe the time has almost come. Feels like the last day of school is right around the corner. However, I won't celebrate until after the tracks are shipped to SSRI. Then there will be some finalizing work to be done

Posted from my iPhone


Gez said...

It's getting close! Will the album be download only? Or cd too?
Is there a deluxe version in the pipeline that I should wait for?

stephen duros said...

Yes closer for sure. Ah, good questions. I don't have any info for you about that at this time. There is still some work to be done. Some mix finalizing, Mastering, photos,art work, release scheduling etc etc... But the main product is finishing up which is great. Actually, I should post that info. Good you brought that up.

Borya said...

I was about to ask the same question. Cannot wait to hear the new music!

stephen duros said...

Thanks Borya, I'm very proud of the work. It's going to be a very interesting album, very diverse, some fun stuff and some very deep emotional stuff.