May 24, 2007

music everywhere and why?

During my travels to LA and back in the last few days, I was paying attention to how many places play random music in the background. From the airport to getting on the bus that took me to the rental car place. When I got on the bus, the music was so loud that I could hardly concentrate on anything else. I remember one time after landing on an airplane, music started playing at a seriously loud volume all the way to the gate. I remember laughing because it was so over the top. It's in restaurants, bars just about everywhere. My question is, why?? Is it really necessary? Do companies feel that people constantly need entertainment to keep them going? I feel it is way over used and sometimes a bit of silence does a brain good.


Gudrun said...

I agree with you Stephen. Therefore the people get more and more nervous, irritable and unfocused! Noises and racket surrounds our life enough.

Anna said...

Stephen, I am not sure what I hear these days, at the shops, when on hold, and especially at the gym can be considered music.

The music (noise) at the gym gets so loud that I find I have to yell over to talk to people, I try listening to my iPod, or watch a few movies, I've downloaded via Ottmars diary.
The crazy thing about the gym is that 95% of the people wear headphones.