May 14, 2007

Coffee first, then practice...

Apparently the coffee hadn't kicked in when I started to practice this morning. I've never been a morning person, although I do try. I sat down, took a sip of coffee, set the timer, turned the metronome on and put my foot up on the foot rest. At that point I realized that I was missing something......the guitar. I can't explain how silly I felt after I realized that, especially sitting there for a few seconds hearing the ticking of the metronome.

Over all, once I woke up, I got a good practice in. About to go back and go over a few more things. Think it will be one of those days where I practice on and off all day.


Anonymous said...

One morning I forgot to put coffee in the basket before pressing the On button. Very embarrasing to see plain hot water flowing into the caraffe.

stephen duros said...

hahaha, yeah, I've been there my self.

Adam Solomon said...

See, I'm not a morning person either, so when I get into a situation like that (or have, you know, a class or something), my solution is simply to just keep sleeping. Try that next time - you can still get a good practice when you roll out of bed at 2 PM! :D

stephen duros said...

The early bird gets the worm Adam

Borya said...


I adore the morning hours and most of the days I get up short before 6. Because I have to. And once I'm up it makes me feel good. When not I sleep on, nearly the whole morning away my back and my head usually hurt so I figure that while my brain wants to sleep more, my body doesn't + that can become uncomfortable.

Gudrun said...

Oh,'re practising for an "air-guitar-contest" secretly...., this saves the strings..

Gudrun said...
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