Oct 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

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Oct 24, 2010


Halloween is only a week away and I'm getting my netfliks que ready for the scary movies. I don't consider myself too much of a scary movie fan however Halloween is one if my favorite holidays so I gotta do it up. Don't worry, I don't go overboard or anything like dress the cat up in a costume. I just like a few scary movies and some candy. Maybe some lit candles or something....

Speaking if cats, my little flea ridden pet Cosmo is insisting on sitting on my lap at the moment. Don't ask me how she got fleas... I have no idea. Same goes for Herbie. Advantage to the rescue!!

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Oct 19, 2010

This week

The hard drive i record my music on to is having problems, I have everything backed up but need to pick up a new HD before I continue. Man, same thing happened during my last album.

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