Sep 25, 2007
Sept. 25 / So this is Christmas...
Once you walked in, you couldn't help but notice the enormous section of the store in full Christmas glory. I stood there for a second and waited for carolers to come up and start singing me a tune. OK now, isn't it mid September? Maybe Late September? Wait! it's Sept. 25, how appropriate, exactly 3 months away. What about Halloween or Thanksgiving? It does seem like every year it gets a bit sooner doesn't it? If I owned a store, I'd bypass all of that and out do everyone! I'd start putting up the 4th of July decorations now! Cool huh, I like to think that I'm an advanced thinker. (no pun intended) Really though, I think there should be an intergalactic rule that won't allow you to set up the holiday stuff till after Thanksgiving, but thats me. Anyway, not sure about you guys, but I'm not ready for Christmas yet. I'm just getting ready for fall actually.
Once I got past that section, I went on my way to find the glue. As always, there were the usual things happening in a typical arts and crafts store. The random breaking of a Christmas ornament off in the distance, the couple with a super full shopping cart arguing over which color ribbon would go along better, the dude with the mustache wearing camouflage in the model train section, the PA announcements "customer needs assistance in the ribbon isle", oh, and lets not forget the smooth jazz muzak rocking out super loud and then me, lost as ever trying to find the Krazy glue. I was looking around the store for days, I was hoping there would be a huge sign saying, "KRAZY GLUE HERE" but that wasn't the case. I ended up in a section with little buttons and strings. I'm sure my cats would have liked that section.
I finally came across the glue section and picked up a few packs and then headed to check out. There was one long line and one not so long. So I went into the one that was not so long. HA! I'll check out quicker here, I thought. Then realized I was behind that person that decided to write a personal check. Amazing what process goes into it, really. I didn't realize anyone used those anymore. After they finished writing it, the cashier had to take the check and put it through this machine. After it went through there, the cashier went digging in a drawer and pulled out some paperwork and starting flipping through it, looking up some code or something. Then started to write something on the back of the check. After that was taken care of, the person started to write and record the check in their checkbook.
By the time that was over, the other check out line had completely disappeared. I quickly purchased my items and went on my way to El Parasol to take home some New Mexican food. I was so hunger my stomach did the deciding for me. For some reason I thought that ordering a Pint of Salsa and Guacamole was a good idea along with a burrito. I got home and realized that the sizes looked much smaller in the store. It looked as if I almost had two gallons of guac and salsa sitting on my table. By the time I had a nibble I was completely full. I guess I'll have plenty more for later.
All in all a good day, a bit Krazy but not enough to bother me. The weather is beautiful, fall definitely feels like it's here. I could be wrong but I thought I saw a few trees just starting to turn colors up in the mountains.
How appropriate....
Originally uploaded by o2ma.
Just came across this on Ottmar's photos, somewhere on tour last year. Don't remember it but looks like something I'd do. After the show in Boston a few weeks back, a couple people saw me rocking out playing a song by "YES" (with the guitar all low, it really has to be to play that one). Thankfully they didn't hear me do my vocal impression. Then again, maybe they did.
Sep 24, 2007
What are my CD’s doing lately?
Are CD’s going to be here in the future? Probably not, unless we think that 8 tracks and cassettes will be around too? There is one format that I like to look back on and enjoy, vinyl records. I do like the sound of them and they brings back good memories. Well, maybe more of the memories then the sound, who knows. I have a few records that I have kept and a few that I have picked up from time to time. Not that I want an enormous collection, not at all. Just a few, that will do it for me. Speaking of a few, not the case with my CD’s. I just don't know what to do with them anymore?
I really don’t like the space they take up. When I open my CD cabinet, it looks like an old CD scrap yard with parts, sleeves, plastic shells here and there. What if they get scratched? Then you have to buy some expensive cleaner product that probably wont fix your CD half the time and then go out and purchase the same CD again. You might be thinking, then don’t keep them in that condition, right? Well, after I transferred all of those CD’s into my iPod (that fits in the space of my hand), who really cares anymore. I don’t feel any attachment to the pieces of plastic that sit there. “Steve... please come visit us, dust us off!!" "Sorry CD’s, I’m busy listening to my iPod!"
CD’s vs. Downloads.
"CD’s are the real recordings and Downloads aren’t" I’ve heard this argument many times before. I understand that we’ve been in a time of CD’s for what, since 89 or something? Not sure. Point being, they’ve been the main format for quite some time now. It’s nice to hold the product in your hand. I enjoy holding my album in my hand, I’m very proud of it. However, I think it’s time to let go and move on. I don’t feel it’s a shame my music isn’t available on Cassette. Definitely not thinking about doing a video for VHS. Think about all the fuel that it takes for CD’s to get to a store near you when you could just download it anytime and just about anywhere. I guarantee that you’ll never come across a site saying -
The Listening Lounge is amazing. Ottmar can go into the studio, throw down some hot tracks, mix + master and upload it in the same day for people to purchase. Are you still thinking a CD is more of a real recording? I think we should realize how amazing this really is! People can go to the artist and purchase the music directly. You won't need the iTunes store for that. With the Listening Lounge you even get more options then iTunes. Sometimes it’s hard to adjust and get used to new things however music downloads are here now. lets face it, we’re not in the 80’s anymore. I think we should embrace this technology and realize that it’s ok for music to not be on a compact disk.
Sep 21, 2007
Almost a typical morning at my place
Got up around 7:30 am. Beautiful day out, windy and chilly actually, maybe fall is here? Yesterday it had been raining all day so everything feels very clear and crisp this morning.
I got the guitar out and set up ready for practice time.
And of course, most importantly, getting the coffee started immediately!
Then sat down and checked my email while sipping coffee. Turned on CNN to see what's going on in the world today. Then after a few min, realized, why am I watching this and turned the TV off. Same drama, different day. With all that's going on in the world, they seem to find it more important to go on and on about what Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton are doing. I then decided against ordering the CNN coffee mug.
Time to practice, so I walk over to my guitar and Cosmo is sitting on my chair. Probably wanting her usual morning petting and maybe she has a feeling I'm about to start practicing instead. Thought I would try things a bit different today. I really want to get practicing because there is a lot I want to improve on, then I thought I'd pet her afterwards.
Before I started to practice I thought I would take a close up picture of her by the guitar for memory's sake and she smiles for the camera?? I don't know any normal cat that would do that, I really think Cosmo is from another planet, either that or putting on a show because she wanted her petting. I know, cute kitty right? purr purr..smiles for the camera.. BUT! I won't let this distract me from getting my quality practice time in, I know her too well, nice try Cosmo!
Getting her to hop off of the chair was no simple task, but I finally got my seat back and started practicing with the metronome and timer. I like to practice in 5 min increments. That way my muscles don't get too tired doing the same thing over and over. Also, that way I can keep things consistent day after day. I highly recommend trying it.
so after a few min. I look down and she's there giving me this look, and now I start to feel guilty.
Then she threw a fit and started tugging and biting my clothes! so I said, Ok, OK... And put the guitar aside.
As soon as I did that, she jumped in my lap and got her morning petting.
So, from now on - 1st, morning petting, then, practice guitar.
Of course lets not forget about Herbie (he's the quiet one behind the scenes) he needed his morning petting too.
So maybe routine is not such a bad thing? Yes, a valuable lesson learned.
Now, on to practicing!
Sep 15, 2007
The Fritz Files - Snakecharmer-Binaural
I'm sure most of you have seen this on OL's site, but just in case you haven't, check it out. The Fritz Files/Binaural music from OL+ Luna Negra is now available at the Listening Lounge.
It was a great experience recording with "Fritz" in the studio. It took a bit of getting used to. At first, when we were all sitting around the mic playing, it seemed normal. Then when you start to move, it gets tricky. During Snakecharmer, I stayed planted on my chair. However during a few of the other tunes, I moved to different places in the studio.
The hardest part for me was when Davo and I were at complete opposite ends of the studio. The time delay was really different. To me it sounded like Davo was behind, but to Davo, it sounded like I was behind. Now, picture that and then Jon and Ottmar in the middle between us, then imagine the different sounds traveling to my ears at different times, you do the math. It can be confusing. It wasn't a big time difference, just slight, but enough to make you say... wait a sec, somethings not right here? I had to quickly adjust and learn how to listen differently then what I'm used to on stage. I had to really concentrate on only my playing at certain times and playing in time even though I didn't hear other instruments in time with me. Following me so far?
When I play live with the band, since we all have in-ear monitors, we don't have to worry about how far apart we are. I spend more time listening to everyone else then my self, I still hear my self but it's not the main focus although it can be, For example: If my string starts to go slightly out of tune, I will be listening to my guitar trying to figure out which string it is and think about what part of the song I'll have a chance to quickly reach up to tune to try and get it back to where it needs to be. Other wise, I'm panning around listening to everything, espically Davo's kick and perc. When everything's clickin, I can just zone out and then it feels like magic.
In my in-ear monitors, I have my guitar panned off to the right at about 2 o'clock and OL, left at 11. Davo's kick and Jons bass are in the center and the rest of the percussion panned all around with Davo's over head mic's panned hard left & right. There has been times in sound check where davo has talked close to his right over head mic and I've quickly looked to my right but he isn't there. Funny how quickly you react to what you hear instead of what you know. So in the studio, as Ottmar said in an earlier post on his diary, we all learned to listen differently and very intently.
After the studio sessions, I too was walking around hearing every little thing. A bird chirp, a car off in the distance etc. It's like when you jump on a trampoline, after you get off of it, you still feel like your jumping up and down. It only lasts for a little while. Although, when I was mixing Thira, I think It was about 2 or 3 weeks, I don't remember, but man... You're so in tune with every little neuance and because it was over a concentrated time, that feeling did last for quite a while after words and at times drove me a bit crazy, It was like everything was amplified.
I hope everyone enjoys the new recordings!
Sep 11, 2007
You have to dig this!!
Originally uploaded by mj*laflaca.
hahahaha, this is fantastic!! I can't wait till this one hits the theaters. I knew she was up to something lately, I just didn't know what. Looks like she may need her own fan club site pretty soon.
Nice work Flaca!! Thanks.
ADDED NOTE: Ah, I stand corrected, there actually is a Cosmo kitty fan club HERE
Sep 7, 2007
Gear Vs. Creativity
Gear Vs. Creativity.
Question: What gear did you buy to get that guitar tone and the over all sound on the Thira Album?
Answer: I spent more money on coffee then on gear during the recording of the Thira album. One mic, one keyboard, one guitar, lots of coffee.... oh, and a few percussion toys.
Yes, new gear can always be a helpful tool. However, it is just that, a tool, and it can only get you so far. Point being, the sound comes from you and knowing your instrument. The long hours of practice, spending time on song writing and working out arrangements. Time, rhythm, working on playing in the pocket. And, something that I think is very important, knowing your limitations and not trying to out do your self. Nothing wrong with pushing your self and practicing to become a better player, but trying to play and record stuff that you can’t is another thing. Remember, less is more. (I've been playing guitar for 18 years now and I'm still working on all of the above)
Also, sometimes you may not always have the opportunity to get new gear and you'll need to be creative with what you have.
Hm, maybe I should have called this entry, Gear Vs. Coffee??
Sep 1, 2007
Last show of the summer tour
Birchmere Theater - Alexandria, VA
Originally uploaded by stromo.
Backstage right now and they just brought us a fresh batch of cookies from the kitchen. I'm having a large chocolate chip cookie and they totally ROCK!! Still warm too, I must to go back for a second one.
Slightly injured my hand this morning and had ice on it all day. It was a bit painful at sound check but I think it will be ok for the show tonight.
I can't believe it's the last show of the summer. I have no idea where the time went. All of the shows back in June are just a blur now. I'm happy I took a lot of pictures.
I think I'll give the guitar a few days off when I get home, it deserves a break. It will be good to be home for a while and not travel for a bit. I think I've only been home for a week since I left in early June.
Fall plans for me? Well, I think I'll start recording all the ideas I've written this summer. Also want to get into writing some Electronica music and see where that goes. In the mid fall I'll be traveling all around South America with the band Toto to do some lighting. I'll be able to add more pins in the map with that tour.
Special thanks to all the great fans that came out to see us this summer! See you again soon
Last night at The Ridgefield Playhouse
Steve's set up for tonight
Originally uploaded by stromo.
About 15 min. before walking on stage I accidentally hit my thumb into something and the acrylic nail cracked off. Not good. So I quickly had to repair it before we started. It just finished drying right as I went on stage.
During the first half of the set I looked over and saw that Ottmar was having trouble with his in-ear monitors. I wouldn't have known if I didn't look over because the guitar playing was great.
Speaking of great..... great crowd and a big standing ovation, thanks everyone!! Besides it being way too bright on stage (not so great) I thought the performance went really well and enjoyed playing to such a great audience.